Case Study

World's Leading Beauty Company Increases Revenue with AI-Optimized Creative

See how the leading global beauty company used AI insights to increase revenue per session

The Challenge

A wide range of products across multiple categories and regions meant that the beauty company faced stiff competition at every turn. They needed a way to be sure their imagery kept up with the fast pace of new releases, seasonal changes, retailer standards, and visual optimizations that the competitive beauty market requires.

The Solution

Vizit partnered with this global beauty company to improve the speed, scale, and efficacy of their creative process. The company is now using Vizit to reorder the sequence of their imagery on product pages to maximize conversion potential by placing the highest-scoring visual in the first position. With a solid proof of concept in hand, they also plan to run all PDP assets through Vizit before flighting online to better understand visual effectiveness and performance.

The Result

The world’s largest beauty company increased ecommerce revenue by 16% by replacing a single standard product image with a Vizit-optimized image. In one test of hero imagery, swapping only the standardized packaging shot for a Vizit-recommended optimized primary visual resulted in a 17.2% increase in the product’s add-to-cart rate and a 16.8% increase in revenue per session.

17.2% increase in add-to-cart rate


16.8% increase in revenue per session

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